The Church in the Midst of Religious Pluralism: Christianity with the Ideology of Pancasila


  • Sri Ayu Dyah Utami Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabernakel Indonesia Surabaya
  • Setio Dharma Kusuma Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabernakel Indonesia Surabaya
  • Sofia Margareta Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabernakel Indonesia Surabaya
  • Edi Sugianto Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabernakel Indonesia Surabaya
  • Sion Saputra Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabernakel Indonesia Surabaya



The foundation of Indonesia is Pancasila that allows 6 religions in our country to live
together in society. Therefore, it is a country with a high religious pluralism level, yet the
churches nowadays are being exclusive in the society. Christians as a minority tend to be
distant with the society members around them. While the principles in Christianity are actually
encouraging Christians to be able to be inclusive in society. This research has the purpose to
show the importance of the churches being inclusive. The method used is a qualitative method
with a literature study approach. The focus of the research is on the application of the
principles of Christianity that are not against the Christian faith and Pancasila to be applied
practically in the midst of religious pluralist society. The result of the research shows that
Christianity could be exclusive in the matter of faith and inclusive in life application. The
teaching of Christian faith definitely is not against the basic values of the Indonesian ideology,
that is Pancasila.


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How to Cite

Dyah Utami, S. A., Kusuma, S. D. ., Sofia Margareta, Edi Sugianto, & Sion Saputra. (2022). The Church in the Midst of Religious Pluralism: Christianity with the Ideology of Pancasila. Conference Series, 4(2), 117–123.